Composite Doors

Composite doors have emerged as the latest trend in door manufacturing. Traditionally, timber was the material of choice for doors until uPVC became the more economical and low-maintenance alternative for front and back doors. However, composite doors have now entered the market, offering a combination of materials that provide the benefits of both.

Looking for top-notch composite doors in Bridgend or South Wales? Choose Select for superior quality and performance. Composite doors have taken the UK by storm, blending multiple materials to outshine single-material options like uPVC.

Select’s composite doors are both durable and stylish. They feature an eye-catching moulded wood-effect grain, giving them the classic look of timber without the maintenance hassle. When you’re after a front door that offers longevity paired with aesthetics, our composite doors are the ideal choice over traditional uPVC doors.

At Select, we specialize in composite doors tailored for the Bridgend and South Wales areas. Our doors are low-maintenance, resistant to swelling and painting needs, and come with an oak tree grain finish available in various colours. Designed to resist twisting and warping, they’re backed by a 10-year guarantee on both structure and surface finish.

Security is a top priority, and our doors don’t disappoint. They feature locks tested to PAS 24 and Part Q standards, equipped with the Winkhaus Trulock locking system and Brisant Ultion 3 Star security cylinder. This setup offers a £1000 guarantee against break-ins. Check out our upgraded hardware options, including automatic locking and electronic access controls.

When it comes to energy efficiency, Select’s composite doors lead the way. With a high-density foam insulated core, they’re 19% more thermally efficient than 48mm solid timber core doors and 17% more efficient than traditional timber doors. Keep your home warm and reduce energy costs with Select’s composite doors in Bridgend and South Wales.